WOW. This book made my list of favorite books of all time. I read it in one day and could not have put it down for anything. I gave it to my friend Deb the next day, and she read the whole thing that day as well.
This is the story of a family that has a sick daughter. Her only chance to live is to have a bone marrow transplant, so the parents decide to have another child in hopes that that child is a match. She is.
The story is really of the second daughter, the one born to save her older sister. Her whole life has been a series of medical procedures, none of which are necessary to HER, but all of which are done in hopes of saving her sister.
One day, the younger sister has had enough. She hires an attorney to represent her in her quest to have no further procedures done.
You can imagine what that does to her family.... the mother who is fighting every day to save the older daughter. The older daughter, who will most certainly die if the younger daughter refuses further medical procedures.
As with all of Jodi Picoult's books, she does a great job of showing every side of the story. You can relate to the mother, the daughters, the attorney, the social worker....all of them. With each page, you hope for a great outcome in which they all get what they want.
The ending of this story is incredible. It made me gasp, and it made me cry. It made me want to call someone who had read the book just to talk about it, but it was midnight and not many people are up to discussing books at that hour.
Get this book. Buy it today. Clear your calendar for eight hours, and sit down with it. You won't stop once you start, I promise.